Orlando Dangerous Intersection Accidents
Crossing a street, turning right or turning left at the intersection of one or more roads puts cars in conflict. Usually drivers pass through an intersection with no problem but, not surprisingly, many car accidents occur at intersections.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said in 2010 that 36 percent of car accidents occur at intersections, and about 96 percent of intersection accidents are caused by driver error. Drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists can be injured by a driver whose negligence or recklessness causes an intersection accident.
The experienced car accident attorney of the Florida law office Frank M. Eidson, P.A., can help you if you or a loved one of yours has been injured in an intersection accident. Frank M. Eidson has recovered millions of dollars in successful verdicts and settlements for car accident victims in Orlando, Kissimmee, Daytona Beach, and throughout Florida. He can help you obtain fair compensation for your losses and your pain and suffering following a car accident at an intersection.
Danger at Florida Intersections
Sometimes the intersections themselves are the problem. Poor design or maintenance can cause hazardous driving conditions. Mistimed traffic signals, poor lines of vision, or a lack of left-hand turn signals all can contribute to accidents at intersections.
But, too often it is a driver who has caused an accident through careless or reckless behavior.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS says red light runners cause hundreds of deaths and tens of thousands of injuries each year. In 2011, 714 people were killed and an estimated 118,000 were injured in crashes that involved red light running. About half of the deaths in red light running crashes are pedestrians, bicyclists and occupants in other vehicles who are hit by the red light runners.
The IIHS says further that right-on-red turns lead to car crashes that frequently involve pedestrians and bicyclists. And, as may be expected, almost all bicyclists and pedestrians who are hit by cars in a red-on-right turn – 93 percent – are injured.
The NHTSA said in its study of intersection accidents that, in addition to drivers running red lights and stop signs, drivers typically cause accidents at intersections by misjudging the other vehicle’s speed or the distance between vehicles and pulling out in from of them or hitting them from the rear or side.
If a driver was younger than 25 years old, they were likely to cause an intersection accident because of distracted driving, speeding or driving too fast for conditions, aggressive driving (which includes improper passing, frequent lane changes, tailgating and speeding) or misjudging the other driver’s intention, the NHTSA says.
If you have been involved in a rear-end car accident, side-impact or “T-bone” collision, or a multiple-vehicle collision at a Florida intersection, you may be eligible for compensation for your medical bills, property damage, and other losses, including lost income, and pain and suffering.
Drivers whose careless and reckless driving causes personal injury or death can and should be held accountable. In some cases, a local government or a contractor responsible for designing, constructing or maintaining a dangerous intersection may have liability for a car crash. But insurance companies, including a crash victim’s carrier, too often drag their feet when processing a claim or offer a low settlement to minimize the amount of money they pay out to even a deserving crash victim.
The assistance of an experienced Florida car accident attorney can change the game in your favor. Orlando car accident attorney Frank M. Eidson has a earned reputation among Florida insurance companies, opposing law firms, and judges for his dedicated representation of auto accident victims who deserve compensation. Many Central Florida accident victims have maximized their claims after an intersection crash by hiring the legal experience and knowledge available from the Orlando law firm of Frank M. Eidson, P.A.
Contact Our Orlando Car Accident Attorney
If you have been injured in a auto accident at a Central Florida intersection, Orlando accident attorney Frank M. Eidson can assist with your car accident injury claim, and help obtain the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.
For more than two decades, Frank M. Eidson has worked to recover millions of dollars for car accident victims from Daytona Beach, Melbourne, Winter Park and other Central Florida communities. Frank M. Eidson, P.A., is a one-lawyer law practice, which means every client meets with Frank and soon comes to know and trust their car accident attorney.
If you have been injured or lost a family member in an intersection accident, contact Frank M. Eidson, P.A., to put an experienced Florida car accident attorney to work for you. Experience is what matters when negotiating with insurance companies and their legal teams, and when Frank M. Eidson is on your side, you have it. Contact us today for a free initial consultation about your case.