As an Orlando Personal Injury Lawyer, I have represented many people involved in motor vehicle accidents.  I have handled cases throughout Central Florida as well as cities as far away as Key West, Florida.  There are certain factors that you must prove in an automobile accident case.

The first part of a motor vehicle accident/car accident is that you must prove liability.  Liability stands for who was at fault.  This is typically determined by who receives the ticket.  Although the ticket is not admissible in court, it does provide initial indication as to who is at fault.

The next part of the claim deals with proximate cause and if the accident cause my clients injuries.  This means that there must be a connection from the impact of the vehicle and the injury my client suffered.  It is helpful to have an individual go directly to the hospital and identify if is his neck or back or shoulder is injured.  We rely upon the medical physicians to prove the causation aspect of the claim.

The third part of the case deals with damages and there are four: i) past/future medical bills, ii) past/future lost wages, iii) past/future pain and suffering and iv) loss of enjoyment of life.  My clients are mostly interested in the fact that they have lost the ability to do many of their hobbies and personal things that bring them enjoyment.

The final part of a personal injury automobile accident claim in Florida is insurance.  The defendant driver must have bodily injury insurance or my client must have uninsured motorist coverage to collect for their pain and suffering/loss of enjoyment of life.  I receive a certified copy from the insurance adjuster to determine exactly how much money my client may be receiving.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me at  or call 407-315-2182 or toll free at (888)245-2855.


Frank M. Eidson P.A. has been tirelessly representing the rights of Central Florida victims since 1989.

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If you have been injured in an accident, turn to Frank M. Eidson P.A. Whether your case is a simple collision or a complicated auto wrongful death case, contact personal injury lawyer Frank Eidson today to schedule your free consultation.
