This is the time of year when I receive a increased number of calls about auto accidents and I urge all of you to be careful. The issue of keeping you family safe was recently discussed in the news with three areas of concern: i) Driving during the holidays. People are in such a hurry around the city on their phones and simply not watching where they are going. Also, individuals are tired and stressed from work and family responsibilities. Therefore, my advise is simple. Please stay off the roads if possible and do not drive at night.
ii) The police also warn of robberies in mall parking lots. The statistics soar around Christmas and individuals who walk alone need to be careful. Please park near the malls’ entrances and the police recommend a great alternative if you can afford it: valet park your car.
iii) Finally, the police warn of burglaries at home when you are away. A friend’s home was hit when they left for the holidays. Although sometimes expensive, an alarm system has been a big deterrent to robbers.
In conclusion, please have a great holiday and more importantly: a safe one.