Main Causes of Auto Accidents and Car Accidents

In the last number of years, the United States has averaged approximately 43,000.00 deaths on the roads.  There are many reasons for the traffic accident deaths but the following are among the leading causes.

1.   Alcohol – alcohol hurts driving performance and there is evidence that drinking can negatively impact an individual’s driving skills.  The problem is that when you mix alcohol/drinking with a typical single, young male; the chances of a motor vehicle death increase. I believe that through education and taking the young individuals down to see some of the families through MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving); this cause of traffic deaths would be significantly less.

2.   Young Drivers – there is no doubt that there is a correlation between young people (ages 16-19) and traffic accidents.  The problem is an individual in his late teens does not have the sense of responsibility that a grown adult does in Florida.  When we look at the infractions and tickets issued to teenagers, the number one problem is driving at night with the added problem of speeding.  There has been a move to put governors on cars and I suggest that an in car camera for your young teens under the age of 18 would be merited.

3.   Speeding – the Insuring Institute of Highway Safety indicates driving quickly/speeding contributes to almost thirty-three percent of all deaths on the highway.  The automobile accidents that result in death by speeding have averaged approximately 12,000 a year.  The Insuring Institute has indications that most deaths result in speeding of over 75 miles an hour.  I believe that the maximum speed limit should not be 70 miles an hour but 65 miles an hour in the State of Florida.

4.   Geography – whereas most individuals speed in a rural area, the fact is that the rural areas to do promote as many traffic deaths.  The most likely place for an individual to be killed is in an urban area.  This means that in the cities of Florida such as Miami, Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville; there is a huge increase in deaths versus the outlining areas.  The fact that there are so many red-light runners and blowing through stop signs have caused there to be a huge increase in deaths within the city limits of Florida.

If you have any questions of comments about any of the above, please contact me through my web site or call me at 407-315-2998or toll free at (888)245-2855.


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