You must consult me or some other lawyer before applying for unemployment benefits if you are receiving social security disability benefits or some type of workers’ compensation benefits.  The problem is there is something called a “set-off” which will decrease your social security benefits and your workman’s compensation benefits if you successfully get on unemployment.

There is also a catch that all of my clients fail to realize is that you are stating that you are ready/willing/able to work if you apply for unemployment benefits.  If you are receiving workman compensation benefits, you are stating the opposite which creates a conflict.  I have seen many lawyers lose cases by having their clients apply for unemployment benefits too early.

If you are on some type of disability (workers’ compensation/social security disability/PIP benefits) then you must call me immediately to discuss whether or not you should apply for unemployment.  You can contact me at   If you have any questions or comments about social security please call me at 407-315-2182 or email me though my website.


Frank M. Eidson P.A. has been tirelessly representing the rights of Central Florida victims since 1989.

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