I have been representing injured people as a result of semi-truck accidents for a number of years. These are very complicated cases because they typically involve a great deal of insurance coverage. This means that the tractor-trailer insurance policy is typically in the millions of dollars. It is important to get the correct policy and I always ask for a certified copy to insure my clients recovery will be adequate.
In these accidents, they tend to be very serious injuries because of the mere size of the tractor-trailer. These eighteen wheelers are very powerful and weigh tons. The injuries that I see most often are head injuries which involve the loss of consciousness and result in sever disorientation. These accidents many times involve traumatic brain injuries and I have been on the Board of Directors for the Brain Injury Association of Florida.
The other common injury is spinal cord injuries. These involved extensive surgeries to fix what can be a long term permanent disability. These cases many times involve paralysis and it is important to get a life care plan together for the people that are injured this way.
Finally, there are other orthopaedic injuries such as knees, shoulders, ankles and hips. In fact, I have had many of these cases in which the surgeries fail and ultimately result in amputation.
If you or anyone you know has been injured in a tractor-trailer/semi truck accident, please contact me through my website or call me at (407) 777-7000.