Orlando Worker’s Compensation attorney, Frank Edison, says, “When the doctor in your Orlando worker’s compensation case releases you at Maximum Medical Improvement, bad things happen.”
(1), the insurance company loves the one that stops your checks.
(2), you’ve got a $10 co-pay to see your doctor, which scares you off.
So let’s deal with the checks. You’re entitled to impairment benefits. You get impairment benefits based on a grid that the doctor gives you. You get those whether you’re working or not working. There’s a reduction if you are working and basically the idea’s to get you back to work.
If you can’t get back to work, we explore retraining with you, and that’s a different area.
As far as the medical benefits, they’ll say, “You’ve got to pay a $10 co-pay.” And you call the doctor, you go, “Well, I’m going to come back in six months, you’ve got to pay a $10 co-pay.”
If you let one year go by and they don’t tell you – this is the insurance company – one year goes by, your case dies by statute of limitations and your case is over.
Clients call me all the time, “I tried to go to the doctor with ten months left. I called him, he had an emergency surgery, and they rescheduled me a month later. I called, the insurance company said, no, no more treatment,” your case died, one year, and that’s something they never tell you.