How is ‘Affordable Housing’ Classified?
Florida is the third most populated state in the nation behind Texas and California. However, Florida is also only the 22nd largest state in terms of total area (land and water) and even lower than that, 26th largest, in terms of land area. This means that Florida is one of the most densely populated states in the nation. Florida’s population density often makes it hard on low-income individuals looking for affordable housing, resulting in many using government subsidies to pay rent. For them, there are 2,167 low-income housing complexes in Florida containing over 254,000 affordable housing apartments, many of which are income-based. Aside from these, there over 176,000 other apartments that are not subsidized, but still considered low-income housing apartments. These include:
- Apartments in Section 8 complexes
- Supportive housing for the elderly
- Supportive housing for disabled people
- Public Housing Complexes
Affordable Housing in Orlando
Some of the main, low-income apartments in Orlando include:
- Windsor Cove Apartments
- Metro Place Apartments
- Green Gables Apartments
- College Park Towers
- South Hiawassee Village
Lastly, if you wish to get on a waiting list for affordable housing, there are two major housing authorities that serve Orlando:
- Orlando Housing Authority
- Orange County Housing and Community Development Division
Affordable Housing Complex Liability If injured at an affordable housing complex then the landlord could be liable for your harms and losses. According to Florida premises liability regulations, landlords owe their tenants and their visitors a duty of care. The landlord has the responsibility to provide reasonable care for preventing events that could lead to personal injuries. If a landlord breaches their duty of care responsibility, they can be held liable by the law and forced to pay your medical bills, lost wages, permanent disability or other expenses arising from sustained injuries. Landlords can breach their duty of care in many ways, the most common of which include:
- Failure to anticipate accidents
- Failure to provide proper security
- Failure to provide proper maintenance of premises
- Failure to stay compliant for the disability rights laws
No matter who caused your injuries, if your landlord breached his/her duty of care, they may be liable. It does not matter if someone else is liable as well.
In Conclusion, There is a complex checklist a claimant must go through to prove their landlord was liable for their injury. It is imperative that you contact a skillful, experienced attorney from Orlando to get the compensation you deserve. Call Frank Eidson at (407) 245 – 2887 for a free case review.